08.04.16 – Lecture: Origin of Precariat

08.04.2016 – 19:00

Lecture of Oleg Bresky

The Origin of Precariat and its Impact on Labour and Private Life

The lecture is dedicated to the questions connected with the peculiar phenomenon in the social system: human, possessing education, ability and desire to work, and participating in labor relations but for some reasons not possessing guarantees and protection in the sphere of labor relations. Temporary work contract, work on call, labor loan, part-time employment, etc. contribute to labor precariation with the lack of social guarantees. This is a significant circumstance in the labor and social system areas, that influences on all spheres of life, such as political, legislative, social and personal, ethic. Special attention in the lecture is drawn to the questions of labor law status in the context of precariat together with personal life and features of social model, assuming precariat as its part.

Oleg Bresky

— J.D., Head of Academic Dpt. of EHU.